Monday, June 30, 2008

Reflecting on Mary

Before becoming Catholic, I always wondered why Mary was "honored" in the faith. After reading The Way of Mary - Following Her Footsteps Toward God by Mary Ford-Grabowsky, I understood more.

This book reflects on the events of Mary's life (from scripture) from the her saying "thy will be done" when asked to give birth out of wedlock, to giving birth in a stable, to the miracle at the wedding in Cana, and finally the death of her "baby boy". I have heard these scriptures, but never reflected on what Mary went through. This book actually makes you reflect, write and create wonderful works to get to know Mary better.

Mary is the mother of our Lord and mother to all people (according to Jesus' final words at the cross). So today, I honor our blessed Mother. Whom we can ask to interceded on our behalf for wisdom, guidance and strength.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Life is so Fragile

Yesterday, Grams went into the hospital to freeze a couple of spots on her liver. This was suppose to be a minor procedure with an overnight stay; however it looks like it will be a few more days to recover in the hospital.

We sometimes take our health for granted. Today, I am realizing more than ever that life is fragile. We need to treasure the moments together with family and friends.

So today, I am hugging my family a little more.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sounds of Summer

This afternoon, I walked up the hill by myself to get the mail. While walking, I quickly shut my eyes and listened. I heard sounds of birds chirping, dogs barking, lawn mowers going, ice cream truck dinging, kids playing and air conditioners humming. What a perfect day! I am so blessed to be able to hear these wonderful sounds of summer!

Monday, June 23, 2008

TIme Spent with Cousins...Priceless!

Last week, we went to ride Buddy (PaPa's horse) with Lexi and Dustin. Grant and Dustin also enjoyed riding the four wheeler and motorcycle.

This past Friday, Shannon went with Becca to Club Libby Lu and got "made-up". Then had a slumber party at Becca's. Grant spent the evening with Connor, Grandpa and Daddy at the Royals Baseball Game, with a sleepover at Grandpa's.

Saturday evening we had our crus'in cousins party at our house. We first went swimming and then came home for an octo-dog dinner (hot dog, with mac-n-cheese and gold fish). Delicious! After dinner, each of the cousin's made his/her own mini scrapbook of our last cruise. As you can tell by the pictures we have a lot of creative talent!

These treasured moments are PRICELESS!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Treasures to Create

My sister, Sheila, has been on a creative "world wind". She has changed her style to create decor from "old finds". I love her new look and inspirative style. This weekend I received an unexpected gift from her...these beautiful treasures from her "stash".

Thanks sis! I can't wait to try my hand at creating "treasures". I'll keep you posted.

Late Night Scrapbookers

Last night, Shelby and I got up to have some time together (alone) in the scrapbook room. I had such a wonderful time being with her and helping her when she needed. Just a year ago, I did most of the cutting and designing. However now, she can complete a beautiful project without much of my time. Way to go my creative girl!

So last night I had the opportunity to craft myself and I had a "brain freeze". No creative juices were flowing. What a disappointment!

However, just spending quality time alone with Shelby was worth every minute!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

In Memory of Grandaddy Great

Grandaddy -

When I look at the picture of the two of us together I see us... a special, a treasured relationship that few understood. One of teasing, sticking out our tongues at each other, one of laughter and love. However what I also see is your strong loving hands. Your hands have held many things...a shovel for digging a basement so you could hold grandma's hands, a military gun, your daughter's hands, your mechanic tools, your granddaughter's hands, a tractors wheel and all 7 of your "greats" grandkids hands. I felt so loved and safe in your hands.
This picture was taken at Grandaddy Great's pool. It is also the last picture of have of him before he passed away.
The day was so hot, but he insisted that he go and watch his "greats" play in the pool. He was always like that...determined to be a part of our lives. He truly loved his grandkids and greats!
So today, Grandaddy know you are still in my heart, loved and missed dearly. **

Happy Birthday, Great!

Yesterday morning I woke up with a thought of I am missing something today. June 10th... what could it be? I went to my calendar and nothing of great importance was on it. Then out of the blue I remembered it was my Grandaddy's birthday (he would have been 88).

For the past 7 years (since I had become a stay-at-home mom), I would take the kids over to my Grandaddy's with either homemade cookies or brownies to celebrate his birthday. This is the first year, that we did not celebrate with him. However I had a piece of cherry pie today in his honor. Kind of ironic that it was cherry pie, because that is one of the nicknames he gave me.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Crop until you Drop!

Well the night finally came...our bi-annual page SWAP. I had been working on my 2 page Easter Hunt layout for the past 3 months. Now it was time to share our creations with 11 other ladies.

The art work that these amazing ladies came up with was truly inspiring. I actually got 6 of the pages completed with pictures on it. Now it is time to journal.

What a fun time sharing ideas, enjoying our mutual love for creating memories, catching up on everyone's lives and enjoying good food. The time went to fast and the chimes rang midnight and we were still scrapbooking. Thanks ladies for a wonderful night!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

True Friendship

Three years ago, the Rameriz family became our little buddy family at school. Since that date, we have become true friends. She has touch my life, by her sweet, caring and giving personality; by her gift of cooking my favorite food (Mexican), by her laughter, by her strong and unwavering faith, by her love of her children and by her angelic smile.

Today, I was able to help out a friend in need. It gave me such a warm feeling to help out. Mirella is a full time mom...24/7. She needed the time and I am glad I could help! Thanks Mirella for letting me enjoy your children while you took some much needed time for yourself.

A True Inspiration

There are so people that come in and out of our lives. Some you forget and others that you will always remember because of the positive impact they had on your life. This is true of our priest, Father Matt. He is truely an inspiration and caring individual. He became a teacher and then found is calling as a priest, so he has been gifted with inspiring children as well as adults. We have been blessed to have him for a few year at our parish; however he will be leaving for a teaching ministry at a catholic school.

We had him over for dinner to celebrate is time at our parish and to wish him well at his new ministry. We will miss you; however you will always be in our prayers. Hopefully one day you will grace the doors of our parish once more as our head priest.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Scrapbooking...a day with my twin!

Saturday, Sheila and I carved a few hours to scrapbook together. This is quite remarkable as we are always running here and there with kids, school and work. It was so much fun to relax, catch up and just enjoy creating together.

Thanks sis for coming down (even if we had the kids). It was great fun!