Thursday, August 20, 2009

School Daze

It is hard to believe that summer is over and my kids are starting back to school. Grant is in 1st grade; Shannon is in 4th grade and Shelby is in 8th grade. It is a little bitter sweet as this will be the last year that they will all be together at the same school.
Grant and Shannon were up at the crack-of-dawn excited for the first day. Shelby on the other had was had to be woke up. I fixed them "ABC" and "123" chocolate chip pancakes with fruit and milk (our tradition).
Then off to school with MiMi, your Dad and me snapping pictures of them entering school. Shelby, you were so upset with us for taking pictures. You are at the age that it is not cool for you to be in pictures. I hope one day you appreciate the pictures I did take.
Grant was excited to see all of his friends; Shannon loves her teacher/school and Shelby enjoyed socializing with her friends. So all-in-all their first day was a success! As for me, I am a little "dazed" that my kids are all back in school.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Thank you seems so small

Today my SWAP partner, Shawn, and I met at Archivers to shop a little and exchange our SWAP treasures. It was so much fun talking and getting to know each other a little better.

Shawn, you out did yourself with your items you so lovingly put together. I enjoy looking at how beautifully you displayed the items and hate to move anything as it looks so gorgeous just as it is.

Some of the treasues in my lovely SWAP box are vintage ribbons, buttons, dollies, bottles, a rose box, a hymnal, hat, angel, Bingo cards, a canvas for creating, tags, wallpaper squares and a enamal pan. I can't wait to create. I know what ever it is that I create with these treasures, I will think of Shawn and her generosity/friendship.

You can visit her website at

Thinking of You SWAP

I love participating in SWAP and this one was so much fun. I received my SWAP partner, Shawn, which I just happened to meet last fall at the Silver Belle preparty dinner I attended with my twin sister. Shawn also happened to live just a few miles from me. So this SWAP was extra special since I knew a little about her.

Some of the goodies I found were items from Jenni Bowlin
and a few treasures from antiques stories...a ledger, an old paint tin with paint brushes, a small wooden ruler, a picture of school children and a Ball jar to display them in.

Also added a few Bingo cards, dollies, vintage ribbon and old picture frames. Wrapped it all up in vintage patterns.
Shawn, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together. Have fun creating!