My twin sister, Sheila, surprised me the other day with a treasured piece of artwork she has done. I bust made out of chicken wire. For months I have "drooled" over her busts, now I have one of my own.
Thank you Sheila for a treasured surprise.
These past few weeks have brought much snow to the Midwest. Our first snow storm hit Christmas Eve. What a great way to celebrate Christmas. Right after returning back to school, we were hit with another snow storm and even had two days off of school (which very rarely ever occurs). So with all the snow, we had fun sledding (even mom and dad), making snow angels, throwing snow balls and even bringing to life our very own Frosty. This brought back so many memories of my sisters and I sledding down our hill between the houses, making a snowwoman complete with breasts (thanks Dad) and having snow ball fights.