Friday, December 19, 2008

Humor...the Best Medicine

Sometimes my kids can say the cutest things.

As I was getting Grant dressed for school this morning. He tells me he wants to be a girl. I was surprised by his comment, so I asked him why he wanted to be a girl. He stood there a moment and with his determine voice, he replied "the girls get to wear pj to school and the boys can't." "That is just not far", he continued. Well, he is true. It is the "in-style" when it gets cold outside for the girls at school to wear bright,wild color pj bottoms under their navy/kawki uniform skirts. It was so hard not to laugh, because to him this was a big deal. However to me, it was medicine I needed...a good laugh (inside).


Leah C said...

"Out of the mouths of babes..."
Sweet story:) Grant is such a cutie!

Sheila Rumney said...

Oh, my gosh! What a great story!