Sunday, March 8, 2009

Teenager in the House

It is true, we have a teenager in our house. I never imaged that this date would ever come. Our little 7 lb 2.8 oz princess that came home, is now our beautiful teenage daughter. Where does the time go?

Shelby you have grown into a caring and loving young lady. Yes, there are times when I remember the good old days when you loved to hide in your stuffed animals or when you "sang in the rain" with your Pooh umbrella and jacket or when your little "cheeks" hung out of your swimsuit or when you loved to watch Barney every waking moment. Now your life is all about I-Pods, e-mails, Nick Jonas and trying to get out of doing your chores.

On your 13th Birthday, just remember that we love you even in these "trying" teenage years!


Sheila Rumney said...

Happy Birthday dear Shelby. Welcome to the Teens.


Aunt Sheila

Leah C said...

Happy Birthday Shelby! Hope your teen years are wonderful:)