Monday, May 26, 2008

Swimming Pool Opens!

Sunday, our community pool opened and the kids wanted to go. After church, we grapped a quick bit to eat and headed to the pool.

The kids enjoyed splashing around, while MiMi, Mom and Dad enjoyed watching from the side of the pool because the water was so COLD. Watching our three come out with purple lips, reminded me of the times when I was a kid and would get in the cold water. At that time it did not matter if it was cold, fun was the name of the game then. Now in my "older" age, I want a nice warm water before I venture in, which might not be until July before it get to my liking.

Thank you Shannon, Shelby and Grant from bringing back those wonderful memories of my childhood. I love you!

1 comment:

Sheila Rumney said...

Yes, it does bring back memories. Glad you had a wonderful time with kids.