Monday, March 30, 2009

Pluto to the Rescue

Grant loves his room; however not sleeping in it by himself has not been the norm. Usually Shannon is there to stay the night. Not last night! Our little man was in his own bed asleep, hugging his stuffed Pluto for security. Little does he know, mom went in to check on him 3 times and his dad 2 times. Grant was so proud of himself this morning, that he is ready to try it again to night. We'll see if that holds true when night falls

Thanks Pluto for protecting our little man.

Snow Dog

Our puppy, loves the snow. She loves running and jumping in it. It was so fun watching her from our window as she enjoyed it!

Midwest to love it!

This past week, we have enjoyed warm weather. My flowers I planted last fall have finally come up and they are beautiful!

However I only had a day of enjoyment until our Saturday ice and snow storm. It started out with freezing rain and then snow on top of it. It was so beautiful, as the snow settled on the tree branches. However by Sunday, the snow had melted with our 50 degree weather. All I have to say, is if you don't like what mother nature has in store just wait 24 might change.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Beautiful Princess!

Our youngest daughter, Shannon, attend her first Father Daughter Dance. Right now her Daddy is her world. He can make her tears go away with his kiss, he can lovingly give her a "push in the right direction" on her homework, he can help her get ready for bed and he is the only boy she truly loves to be with. All to soon, she will view a "new boy" as her love, but for now Daddy is her one and only!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mom's Special Touches

Yesterday, was Shannon's Father/Daughter Dance at St. James. It was a formal occassion where they were asked to dress up. So, I felt it also need a coursage. I ordered one for Shannon. It was beautiful;

however it needed a blue beaded heart (which I made) and some silver ribbon. Now it is "magical".

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our precious little girl turns 9!

Our littlest girl, which I told her that I would not allow her to grow up, is 9 years old! She was my little cabbage patch kid with rolly polly legs and arms, chubby cheeks, curly black hair and snow white skin. Where has my little girl gone? Now, there is no more chubby cheeks, rolly polly legs and arms or curly black hair. She has turned into a beautifully stunning tween (as they call preteens now). Boy the time has gone to fast! When will it slow down!

Happy Birthday, my precious!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Teenager in the House

It is true, we have a teenager in our house. I never imaged that this date would ever come. Our little 7 lb 2.8 oz princess that came home, is now our beautiful teenage daughter. Where does the time go?

Shelby you have grown into a caring and loving young lady. Yes, there are times when I remember the good old days when you loved to hide in your stuffed animals or when you "sang in the rain" with your Pooh umbrella and jacket or when your little "cheeks" hung out of your swimsuit or when you loved to watch Barney every waking moment. Now your life is all about I-Pods, e-mails, Nick Jonas and trying to get out of doing your chores.

On your 13th Birthday, just remember that we love you even in these "trying" teenage years!