Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our precious little girl turns 9!

Our littlest girl, which I told her that I would not allow her to grow up, is 9 years old! She was my little cabbage patch kid with rolly polly legs and arms, chubby cheeks, curly black hair and snow white skin. Where has my little girl gone? Now, there is no more chubby cheeks, rolly polly legs and arms or curly black hair. She has turned into a beautifully stunning tween (as they call preteens now). Boy the time has gone to fast! When will it slow down!

Happy Birthday, my precious!

1 comment:

Sheila Rumney said...

I too remember that cabbage patch baby, she has grown into a beaituful young lady that brings a smile to your face. Oh, how time flies.

Love you Sis!!!