Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mom's Work is Never Done

Today, I can take a deep breath and relax (alittle). These past couple weeks have been hectic with getting Shelby to play practice, buying dresses and shoes for first communion, getting invitations out to Shannon's first communion and Grant's 5th birthday, planning a family birthday party with Grams and PaPa, planning a trip to Libby Lu for 20 Brownie Scouts, ordering badges for Brownies, and the list went on.

I know that later this week I will be at it again, as I have to get ready for Shannon's Brownie Awards Ceremony, Grant's Birthday, Shelby's play, Gran'ts Kindergarten Shadow day, our Anniversary and Shannon's first communion celebration.

But today I will enjoy my day of relaxation!

1 comment:

Sheila Rumney said...

I hope you had a relaxing day!!! Try to "steal" a few moments of Sherri Time and do something just for you.

Love you,
