Saturday, May 9, 2009

Mother's Day Tea

Shannon's 3rd grade class had a Mother's Day Tea complete with poetry reading and "boom whackers" music. The social hall was converted into a beautiful tea room complete with fresh flowers, fragile tea sets, candle light, homemade pies and freshly brewed ice tea.

Shannon's class read their poem of "Honey Bees". Each child took their turn reciting their poem they wrote. Shannon wrote a poem entitled "Animals".

Animals live here,
Animals live there,
Animals live everywhere,
Animals live,
Animals eat,
Animals do everything,
Animals are different from everything
Animals can be nice,
Animals can be mean,
Animals can love anything!

This poem was perfect as Shannon loves animals! What a beautiful afternoon spent with Shannon. I am so proud of you and so blessed to have you for my daughter!

1 comment:

Sheila Rumney said...

What a wonderful Mother's Tea and a lovely little lady to celebrate it with!