Friday, May 8, 2009

Passing of the Torch

Today was the special day for Shelby. At Mass today, the Passing of the Torch ceremony was performed. This ceremony is when the current 8th graders say goodbye and pass the torch to next years 8th graders. It was so beautiful and moving. It brought tears to my eyes. Our little girl that once was "singing out in the rain" with her Pooh umbrella and rain jacket, is now moving into the leadership role of her school.

We are so proud of all your accomplishment and look forward to your 8th grade year as you become the leaders of the school!


Leah C said...

No matter how we try to keep it from happening, our little girls do grow up:) Congrats to Shelby! Brynn just can't wait for 8th grade next year...she & her friends already have "their table" claimed in the lunch room!

Sheila Rumney said...

Shelby is growing up way too fast! It is a pleasure to see her maturing into a beautiful young lady!