Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our Precious Girl is 10 years old!

Shannon you came into this world quitely, with your ebony curly hair and skin as white as snow. From the moment we saw you, we knew you would be called our precious little one. As a baby, you definitely commanded attention. When you were tired the only way to get you to sleep was to walk you around the house humming. Our rug had ruts in it from walking you so much. You were our "budda" baby full of rolls. As a toddler you loved to explore, run and climb. Then one day, the your curly hair straighten and our "budda" baby became a tall lanky little girl. You have become a beautiful young lady, with a sweet caring personality. You love animals and eventually want to be a vet. You are a loyal friend and a free spirit.

Happy birthday, our precious ten year old!


Sheila Rumney said...

What a beautiful young and loving girl Shannon has become. We love your Shanannan!

Hope your birthday was special.

Love you,

Aunt Sheila & crew

Leah C said...

Happy Birthday to your sweet "baby" girl!