Sunday, October 21, 2007

Creative Time!

This weekend I have had time for me! This time comes few and far between with 3 energetic children.

It is official... I have finally had time to create in my scrapbook room and my creative juices are flowing now! I have been working on a Disney Cruise fllip album and layouts that were received at a SWAP. I am happy to report I have 3 - 12x12 layouts done! Yeah, me!

This coming week, I plan to make time for me in my scrapbook room doing projects that I have piled up.

Thank you sis for encouraging me to find the time for me, even if it is late at night or early in the morning. I may be sleepy, but I am on an emotional "high" because I have created!


Sheila Rumney said...

Love the cute tag!!!! I am glad you are creating again. It is so rewarding on so many levels. Have fun playing!

Sheila Rumney said...
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