Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Where did the warm weather go?

Well, we are back in the deep freeze with the weather. Monday, we enjoyed mid temperatures of 60 degree. Even on Tuesday morning when I went out it was 54 degrees; however only a few hours later it was 16 degrees. The wind was blowing a snow storm in.

They say we have global warm. I am not seeing this as this winter as been one of the coldest and snowest for a number of years. It just goes to show you God is control.

Next week is Ground Hogs Day. Will he see is shadow or not? I can only hope he does not see his shadow, so we can finally get out of the deep freeze. However I bet we will have that 6 weeks of winter.

1 comment:

Sheila Rumney said...

At least we the snow missed us!!

Love you,
